When processing a payroll, the initial screen "Welcome to Payroll" will show any issues with the payroll.
There will be notifications here and it may prevent the payroll being finalised.
Minimum Wage Warning.
The software includes a warning that workers are being paid less per hour than the legal minimum i.e. under the minimum wage.
To review and correct any issues click on the button, and a new tab opens listing out all employees earning under the minimum wage.
To correct or enter a new rate, click on the on the right hand side of the worker and a box will appear where you enter and save the new rate.
Overlapping Rotas and Open Rotas
To be able to process a payroll all rotas relating to that payroll period need to be closed. If there is an "Error" box appearing indication that there is an issue that needs to be resolved on the rotas before payroll can be run.
If a worker has two timesheets that overlap then this will be picked up as a duplicate. The time record is indicating that the worker was in two locations at the same time and that this needs to be looked at and corrected. By clicking on the "Remove Duplicates" this will open the rota that requires checking for the time postings overlap to be amended.
Once all rotas are checked fully, they need to be closed before running the payroll. Any open rotas not completed are indicated on the "Error" box. By clicking on the text under the warning, the open rota is launched in a new tab. To close and complete the rota scroll to the bottom of the rota page and click
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